The Wolverines Present Superhero Night to Support Defeat Duchenne’s
Your browser does not support the video tag. The Wolverines not only give back to the community but to charity as well! The Wolverines present Superhero Night, with all proceeds going towards Defeat Duchenne’s, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for Duchenne...
YouQuest Stories: Laura and Rick
**This story is adapted from a speech made by Laura at the YouQuest Fundraiser on November 2, 2022** Hi everyone, I’m Laura, and my husband Rick attends YouQuest on Tuesdays. First - I’d like to thank you for supporting YouQuest. Your support means the world to our...
Not Gone, But Sometimes Forgotten | YouQuest Stories: Jamie
Not Gone, But Sometimes Forgotten Written by Jamie Wilkie (This article was adapted from its original posting on October 22, 2022. See the original here.) Our Family's Journey with Young Onset Dementia... So Far. And How You Can Help! The guy in the...
Clyde’s Story
Good Morning Everyone, I am so sorry that it has taken me all week to send this email, but I wanted you all to know how much my heart is overflowing with gratitude for YouQuest. My husband Clyde was diagnosed with Young Onset Alzheimer’s in August of 2016.
JM’s Story
I stopped working at 48 because of young-onset dementia. Staying at home alone during the day was isolating and I missed my routine of going to the office and interacting with colleagues. I realized I need to be active to help my family. Just because I have…
CH’s Story
I was married to a smart, funny, caring, compassionate man but I now consider myself a widow because my husband as I knew him is gone due to young onset frontotemporal dementia. Once passionate about his career, he didn’t seem to enjoy his job …
An exciting year of firsts!
Just over a year ago we launched Calgary’s first daytime support service designed for people living with young-onset dementia. At YouQuest, we set out to give our participants a place to belong with peers and an active day filled with choices, while providing...
Oh, the places we’ve been!
Congratulations to YouQuest on their 1st Anniversary! I was diagnosed with young-onset dementia at age 48. Dementia stole my career, my workplace friendships, and the ability to prepare for retirement. Until my diagnosis I had been engaged in my community
We’re on a roll!
While designing YouQuest, our focus was to find out directly from families what kind of support really mattered. What would actually help when dementia exerts its grip in this earlier than expected stage of life? Coming soon, the pilot year evaluation report...
Respect & Remembering
Recently, Remembrance Day had us reflecting on family members connected to the wars and everyone was keen to show respect for those who gave us our freedoms. There were many memories, and a few tears, because even the passing of the years doesn’t dull our…