YouQuest Stories: Laura and Rick

**This story is adapted from a speech made by Laura at the YouQuest Fundraiser on November 2, 2022** Hi everyone, I’m Laura, and my husband Rick attends YouQuest on Tuesdays. First – I’d like to thank you for supporting YouQuest. Your support means the world to...


YouQuest PARTNERS CALGARY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE We hit the pause button in March 2020; with the SAIT campus closed, the Fall restart plan involved a community appeal for a new home. Heartened by many calls of support, it was a YouQuest family that connected us to...


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS GENERAL FAMILY & FRIENDS SUPPORTERS What is Young Onset Dementia? Young onset dementia (YOD) includes people diagnosed with dementia before age 65 or those who show symptoms before that age and are in the process of receiving a...


MEDIA A Place to belong for those with Young-Onset Dementia by Ashley Naud July 2020 CABHI-funded young onset dementia program gives Calgary families hope by Rebecca Ihilchik February 2019...

ABOUT YouQuest

ABOUT YouQuest “Outcomes for young-onset patients are greatly enhanced by accessto services designed for and attended by their peers.”   DR. ERIC SMITH, MD, MPH, FRCPC, FAHADIRECTOR, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCES CLINIC, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Vision: Evidence-informed...